Not in the mood
Jag sov alldeles för länge i dag, var tänkt att jag skulle fixa lite med tyska. Jag har gjort det, men jag har inte hunnit med riktigt allt jag ville göra. Det viktigaste var att förbereda inför "utvecklingssamtalet" vi ska ha med vår tysklärare under lektionen. Jag har suttit och skrivit ner lite punkter om vad jag tycker och tänker om undervisning. Jag föresöker att lämna ut lite punkter, som egentligen är helt oväsentliga, men det är lite för personligt. Jag är inte överdrivet förtjust i läraren och jag tror att han är allt annat än förtjust i mig. Vad an detta? Han kan ha under höst och vårterminen visat det på olika vis, genom språkbruk. Men jag försöker glömma det för det är bara distraherande för min inlärning.
Bestämde mig för att "skita" i honom och koncentrera mig på att få reda på hemligheterna inom det tyska språket. Det fascinerar mig så, men det gör mig även tokig i bland. Säkert R också, särskilt då det är han som får läsa genom det jag skriver. I bland har många konstigheter uppstått, men jag är ytterst tacksam för att han tar sig tid och hjälper mig =)
Jag ska strax ta och göra mig i ordning, sakta med säkert. Ska nog äta en lätt lunch och sen göra några smörgåsar som jag ska ha med mig till skolan. Blir en lång dag igen, säkert inte hemma förrän vid halv elva. Men jag ska försöka uppdatera då. Ska fota presenten jag fick av R. Han köpte med sig det från Kroatien =)
Hörs senare! Ha en underbar onsdag!
I'm home this Saturday, didn't feel like doing anything today. Plus I felt a bit off after being in the sun the entire day. Yesterday and today, I've been out on the balcony, letting the sun work my body. It has been working very well I must say, at least of you think of the amount of time I spent out there.
Now I'm sitting here, with a drink in my hand. Opened my Smirnoff Vanilla for the first time, mixed it with some coke and some lemon. Voila! Tastes very yummy!
No exciting things the last few days, just been enjoying my own company. I've actually felt like being alone the last couple of days, don't know why.. just felt like it. Plus I've been a good girl and studied some! =)
Also been exercising, woho! Getting closer and closer to Beach 2009 =P Kidding... ;) But it's going to be fun to go abroad, can't wait! Lovely company, wonderful food, sand between my toes, sun and swimming!
But before there are any trips abroad, I have quite a lot to do in school. I've been following my study-schedule quite well, which is always a good thing. The bad thing is that it's only a schedule for Micro and Macro, I have to squeeze some German in there as well. On Monday I have to e-mail the teacher a horoscope that I've written in German. That means I have to use my imagination again, luckily I have been a frequent horoscope reader :) Woho!
But I have one problem, until Wednesday in two weeks, I have to write a speech. I can choose which subject I want... question is... what subject?! Suggestions?!!!!
A late one
I'm kind of satisfied with myself. The run this morning and the workout after that. Then I've been studying almost the entire day. Played with R for a few hours, which was fun as always.
I've been sitting with my German the entire evening. One of the homeworks for tomorrow is to write a story. The problem for me is the imagination. I'm not really a writer in that sense. But in the end I made up some crap. It's not like I'm entering a short-story contest. Only writing this since I've been told to and at least I didn't write a sadistic story as I did the last time. We had to write some really short thing in class, maybe a month ago, the others just looked at me like I'm crazy. Come to think of it, it wasn't all that bad. I think they weren't expecting it.. ? Don't know. I liked it anyway. Much better than the one I wrote today. Well anyway, I'm waiting for R to read it through, plus he has to send me a German document that I wrote on his computer. I need to re-write a bit and send it to the teacher again. Hopefully he'll have time to do this =)
I need to re-write my study schedule because it smells like Kalles Kaviar. I dropped some on it yesterday when I was playing with R. Yes, Mia was clumpsy. Nothing out of the ordinary!
I'm going to try to get up and go out for a run tomorrow before I go to school. I was thinking I would go at 11 or something. Then I might have some time to read a couple of pages before I have to go to the train =)
Well, I'm going to gather some things for tomorrow. See you! =)
Oh yeah
I can't remember the last time I was as happy as I was this weekend. My mini-vacation I mean. Being with Bosse and Evelina in Jönköping just made me feel so calm, safe and happy. Thank you so much for making me feel this way!
Even if it's said that you have to have bad moments to appreciate the good ones, I hardly find it amusing that I can't remember my last happy moment. Of course I experience moments, but they usually pass quickly. The short moments of bliss, they go away. Don't last very long, plus I know they end when I go away from it.
They are my friends and I know they won't disappear... but... well, I don't know.
I just know that we have to do this again, very soon! But this time I'm taking the bus both ways, because the train was horrible. We had to change trains twice and the Nässjö-Norrköping stretch was extra bad. A kid coughed me right in the face, I just looked at her, wondering WTF she just did. That's just plain rude and the "adults" that were with the child didn't say anything. I thought it would be better if I kept my mouth shut or there would be some bad things coming out of it.
I have all the pictures from Jönköping on my other computer. At the moment I'm in the kitchen, on my laptop. But I'm going to show some pictures here and the rest will be on facebook =)
I was a good girl this morning, went out for a run. Thinking it would be good to get some fresh air and some exercise, since it makes me more awake when I study =)
I have to get going now, but I'll update in a little while again. Until then, have a wonderful tuesday!
It's been a really good day. Had a lot of fun at R's place. We studied as hard as we could :) Ate some... several times. Omelette first.. then we made some burgers later. Yummy! Went home quite early, could have studied some more. But I was a bit tired from getting up so early. We just wanted an early start. I thought the early morning would get me to go to bed early... but now. But I should go to bed now. I'll probably write something tomorrow before I leave =)
Thanks R for a lovely day! I had fun! =)
I should have started updating weeks ago because for once I have actually done something fun... but hopefully more fun will come.
On Thursday morning, Evelina and me are going to Jönköping to visit our friend Josefine, or Bosse as I like to call her. She was home in Eskilstuna for the weekend and I realised how much I've missed her. We went to Café Tingsgården (happy now Micke? I wrote it in the correct way) and I ordered a slice of carrotcake. I got this huge slice! It was the first time I tasted carrotcake and I completely fell in love with it. I have to try to make one myself.... but that's a future project;)
Bosse and me also spent some time on Saturday, went to Västerås to meet up with my classmates. So nice to spend some time with her! It's going to be even more fun when we go down there. Unfortunately, we're only there until Saturday. Bosse is throwing a birthday party, because she's turning 22 tomorrow. The party however, is on Friday.
Tomorrow I'm going to have a hardcorestudy-day! I'm going to meet up with R early in the morning and study. I think we're going to be very productive actually. I need to be extra productive since I'm taking a few days off studying;)
On Monday I spent a few hours planning and making a studyplan for both Micro and Macroeconomics.
In some weird way, this schedule makes me motivated. Don't ask me why, it just does. It also feels very good that I've started to exercise properly again. Everything is just taking off, hopefully in the right direction.