Oh yeah
I can't remember the last time I was as happy as I was this weekend. My mini-vacation I mean. Being with Bosse and Evelina in Jönköping just made me feel so calm, safe and happy. Thank you so much for making me feel this way!
Even if it's said that you have to have bad moments to appreciate the good ones, I hardly find it amusing that I can't remember my last happy moment. Of course I experience moments, but they usually pass quickly. The short moments of bliss, they go away. Don't last very long, plus I know they end when I go away from it.
They are my friends and I know they won't disappear... but... well, I don't know.
I just know that we have to do this again, very soon! But this time I'm taking the bus both ways, because the train was horrible. We had to change trains twice and the Nässjö-Norrköping stretch was extra bad. A kid coughed me right in the face, I just looked at her, wondering WTF she just did. That's just plain rude and the "adults" that were with the child didn't say anything. I thought it would be better if I kept my mouth shut or there would be some bad things coming out of it.
I have all the pictures from Jönköping on my other computer. At the moment I'm in the kitchen, on my laptop. But I'm going to show some pictures here and the rest will be on facebook =)
I was a good girl this morning, went out for a run. Thinking it would be good to get some fresh air and some exercise, since it makes me more awake when I study =)
I have to get going now, but I'll update in a little while again. Until then, have a wonderful tuesday!